30 | 09 | 23 Apollo Kino Ülemiste


It has become customary for MängudeÖÖ to go hand in hand with a proper cosplay show. We are waiting for you, cosplayer, to join our awesome competition!

In order to participate in the cosplay competition, the contestant must prepare a program that is a maximum of 80 seconds, in the case of an individual performer and up to 150 seconds, in the case of a group performance.

If too many people want to participate in the competition, the organizers have the right to not to allow everyone on the stage. However, we try to do our best to accommodate all participants in the competition.

The registration deadline for the cosplay competition is 23.09.2023 at 23:59 (UTC/GMT +3h). The competition will take place on the night of September 30 at the Apollo cinema in the Ülemiste Center.

Entry to the event is free for cosplay competition participants.

If you have any questions, write to us at cosplay@level1.ee

Register for the Cosplay Competition



Hailing from the world of live-action roleplaying, Yugoro is a massive fan of roleplay, magical props and fantasy costumery. Since the start of her carreer in 2017, she managed to win many awards in various local and international cosplay contests, the most prominent of which were Comic Con Baltics (Lithuania) and Japan Expo (France). Yugoro was also one of a dozen finalists in the global Cyberpunk 2077 competition organized by the notorious CD Projekt RED.

She is well-recognized and accepted as a professional beyond the cosplay scene as well. Yugoro often takes part as a model in the filming of both crazy creative video clips and more tamed commercials around the Baltic states. Not only that, but some of the props and costumes she produces had already been featured in Estonian cinema. Her passion for crafting and performing shines through every move and detail of her creations.


A film and game enthusiast with an art background, Snack has been doing cosplay as a hobby for years.

She has been making costumes since 2010, but she decided to go on stage only later. She has won prizes at competitions both at home and abroad, for example J-Zone (Tallinn) and Comic Con Baltics (Vilnius, Lithuania).

Last year, she was one of the two Baltic representatives at the GICOF Cosplay competition in South Korea. In addition, the costumes made by her have also reached the history and film museums in Tallinn.


Enchanted has been cosplaying for 8 years and her favourite part about cosplaying is - dressing up as her favourite characters. When it comes to making a new costume, she is always paying attention to details. I mean who doesn’t like a neat stitching or a great paint job, right?

Throughout these years Enchanted has been lucky enough to compete both in international and local Baltic cosplay competitions.

And most importantly she is always exited to meet new people with same passion for cosplay